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HID multiCLASS SE RP15 Readers

HID multiCLASS SE RP15 Readers Picture
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The dual frequency 13.56 MHz and 125 kHz multiCLASS SE RP15 card reader offers you the opportunity to use existing protocols while allowing upgrades to more advanced security. The SE RP15 supports mobile platforms as well as fixed devices, and data is secured using EAL5+-certified encryption.

The SE RP15 is the second smallest of HID's multiCLASS SE card reader range, designed to be installed in a standard mullion-mount configuration or U.S. single-gang J-Box. As one of the smallest multiCLASS SE readers available, the read range is typically 2.5" but is usually shorter (around 1") for 125 kHz fobs and tags.

The multiCLASS SE RP15 lives up to its name, supporting the entire range of HID card technologies. ISO144443A, ISO14443B, and ISO15693 compatible, the SE RP15 is also HID Prox compatible, as well as supporting AWID, Indala, and EM410.

iCLASS Seos support allows the use of Secure Identity Objects (SIO). MIFARE DESFire EV1 and MIFARE Classic are supported. This allows for credentials to perform multiple advanced functions. For government installations, the FIPS-201 protocol is supported, offering support for CIV, AV, PIV and PIV-I, FRAC and TWIC.

Solidly packaged with a robust design and making use of recycled materials, the multiCLASS SE RP15 can't be topped in providing the enhanced access security that modern businesses demand. Choose the RP15 if you desire an incredibly versatile SE card reader that can be mounted in a mullion-mount.

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HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR Graphic
HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR (P/N 910PTNNEK00000)
List Price: $417.80
Your Price: $331.86
You save $85.94!
HID MultRP15 iCLASS Contactless Smart Card Reader, Mullion Mount, Prox Support (HID Prox, SWID and EM4102 - 32 bits), 13.56 MHz Interpreter (SIOS/SEOS - Maximum Compatibility), Color: Black, Wiegand Controller Communications, Pigtail Connection (18"), Standard Keyset (V1). NCNR (NON-CANCELABLE/NON-RETURNABLE). (M250211).
HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR Graphic
HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR (P/N 910PTPTEK00387)
List Price: $460.24
Your Price: $308.65
You save $151.59!
HID MultRP15 iCLASS Contactless Smart Card Reader, Mullion Mount, Prox Support (HID Prox, SWID and EM4102 - 32 bits), 13.56 MHz Interpreter (SIOS/SEOS - Maximum Compatibility), Color: Black, OSDP using RS-485 Half-Duplex, Terminal Strip Connection, Standard Keyset (V1), 0387 Configuration Settings. NCNR (NON-CANCELABLE/NON-RETURNABLE). (M250211).
HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR Graphic
HID RP15 multiCLASS Reader - NCNR (P/N 910PWNNEKE0502)
List Price: $564.14
Your Price: $385.99
You save $178.15!
HID MultRP15 iCLASS Contactless Smart Card Reader, Mullion Mount, Prox Support (HID Prox, SWID and EM4102 - 32 bits), 13.56 MHz Interpreter (SIOS/SEOS - Custom Progamming), Color: Black, Wiegand Controller Communications, Pigtail Connection (18"), Elite Keyset, 0502 Configuration Settings. NCNR (NON-CANCELABLE/NON-RETURNABLE). (M250211).