Badge Printer Repair Service Badge Printer Supplies
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Shipping Information
Standard Shipping
(FREE Shipping) provides fast, reliable, delivery on most orders over $100 with FREE SHIPPING to contiguous US destinations (some exclusions apply - see below).

All shipments destined outside of the 48 contiguous United States will be sscessed a shipping charge AFTER the order is submitted. We will email this charge to you before your order is shipped (although you may receive a electronic receipt for your order which excludes shipping costs).
Expedited Shipping
We provide the following shipping options based on actual shipping rates:

Next Day Shipping - Priority: Morning of the next business day after shipment.
Next Day Shipping - Standard: Afternoon of the next business day after shipment.
2-Day Shipping: Afternoon of the 2nd business day after shipment.
Ground Shipping: 2 to 5 business days after shipment.

Note: Different carriers (e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc) have different definitions on what Priority and Standard mean and this may vary by your location. As such, you should contact them in order to get the specific delivery window for the different shipping options at your location.
International Shipping
See our International Policy page for more information on International Orders.

Our preferred method for international shipping is to have you provide us with a Shipping Account Number (e.g. Fed-Ex). This has the benefit of allowing you to control your shipping costs by selecting the most appropriate carrier and method. Alternatively, we can quote you on shipping costs.
Refused Shipments
All refused shipments will be assessed a $50.00 shipping and handling fee.
The following conditions apply to ALL orders:
  • All orders under $100 will be assessed a $25.00 shipping and handling fee.
  • FREE SHIPPING does NOT apply to certain media (labels, ribbons, card stock, etc.) and badging supplies.
  • All orders placed on a weekend or holiday will be processed the next business day.
  • Products that are currently in stock typically ship out the same day (for orders received and payment verified by 5pm PST). Incomplete or incorrect information may result in processing delays.
  • If your Ship-To differs from your Bill-To address, your order may be delayed for verification.
  • For orders not being shipped to the 48 contiguous United States, see our APO FPO Shipping Terms page or our International Policy page to see which policies apply to your oder.
  • Please note that once we turn your shipment over to the package carrier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, et al), we no longer have control over the actual delivery time which can be affected by weather, accidents, mis- routing or other delays within the carrier's system. Therefore, we can NOT and do NOT guarantee that shipments will arrive before a specific date/time.
This page last updated on 2/11/2025 7:42:25 PM.